if what x3n suggested doesn't help it might be neccessary to know which kind of graphics card (intel/nvidia/ati) you use and whether you use the opensource driver or a binary driver ?!
i guess 3d acceleration works on your system (check with glxinfo | grep render)?
hm.. I'm not sure if i remember correctly (did some changes there once ago) but i thought that actually the radar should remain bound to the spaceship and not to the rocket, shouldn't it?
hm... though ubuntu still recommends the 32bit version i'm always using the 64bit version of it. so this wouldn't be a problem for i guess 80% of the orxonox linux users. and we could still provide a gcc 32bit version of orxonox if ekopath's not available for 32bit. @clang: maybe we should compare t...
Just stumbled over this article. It is about the open-source release of a previously proprietary and multiple kUSD (per license) expensive compiler suite. In some tasks it outperforms GCC by a factor of more than two or three (not sure if I remember this correctly, but at least two ^^). I think we s...
i like the idea of this topic and i'm curious if it'll be used ...
i think in this use case fixed tags will be fine esp. if we might need some menu elements or sheets that know all/some tags and select/filter between them
hm, this sounds like a tough problem... x3n, what does ogre use internally for absolute position computation if not "normal" floats? i don't really understand why these internal floats should be any different than normal ones ?! why is it not possible to attach a world entity to a different scene, i...
what's on the x axxis for the first plots (plot 1, 3, 5)? tick time in ms ? (cause that wouldn't look reasonable for empty level 60ms without bots and 1.5ms with bots ?!)
about the authors files: maybe i authors file per directory is a bit too much (especially if we will use more directories than before). maybe we should put the authors files one (i.e. {metal, rock, ...}) or even two (i.e. in {billboard,texture,...}) layer(s) up ?!