Weapons for (L)users

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Baron Vladimir Harkonnen
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Weapons for (L)users

Post by nicolasc » Sun Nov 19, 2006 11:18 am

or what kind of weapons will be available from the beginning:

The basic idea, is that the player should be able to choose from 3 types of pulsed energy weapons ("blasters"), and get one type of missile:
  • light blaster: high Rate of Fire (RoF), little damage
  • medium blaster: med RoF, medium damage
  • heavy blaster: low RoF, loads of damage
names a subject to change, i.e light blaster could be called lightning gun, heavy blaster BFG et all
the heavy blaster could destroy a ship in a few hits, but due to it's low RoF, misses will be punished more severely than with a light/medium blaster.
ROF * damage = constant for all weapons: i.e it take the same time to destroy a ship.
  • swarm missile: limited ammo, even more damage, automatically hits
it's purpose is to clean the screen of enemies, or a least a part. I would suggest that is fires 4 missiles, which will automatically pick a target and destroy it (the damage should be high enough, at least in the beginning).
Due to it's nature as missile, there will be only a few (lets say 3) available.


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Post by nicolasc » Mon Nov 27, 2006 1:29 pm

Hi all,

After a good week of thinking and coding, I am not quite happy with the swarm missile.

I am looking for a nice, easy-to-implement, multi-target/area-damaging missile-like weapon. Are there any ideas around?


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Post by patrick » Mon Nov 27, 2006 5:35 pm

What exactly are you looking for? Why are you not happy with swarm missiles?


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Post by nicolasc » Tue Nov 28, 2006 9:27 am

Something special, something new.... a less beaten/pathetic idea, something a bit more groundbreaking.
patrick wrote:Why are you not happy with swarm missiles?
I don't know... It's just a feeling.

Some Ideas
  • Laser-Mine: If I got it right, it's a mini multi-gun platform. It shoots a anything that moves. [Innovative, but to powerful] (Michels idea)
  • Nova-Bomb (from starfox): delayed explosive device with areal damage[simple, but BORING]

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Post by beni » Tue Nov 28, 2006 10:11 am

Weapon ideas?
  • Well, you need a EMP rocket. The EM-Pulse covers a area of medium size and discharges all the shields.
  • Tag rocket - Normally there are bigger ships with big weapons in our spacefights. These weapons need help to aim. The Tag rocket is used to tag an enemy so the huge weapon from the mothership can destroy them.
  • A rocket which you can shoot and remotely set off. When exploding the rocket is split into - let's say 8 - little rockets which fly off in every direction and then either the player set the little rockets off again by remote control or the rockets explode after a few seconds. This weapon give the possibility to destroy a squadron of enemies with a single blow when used right.
I will think of more, but I just don't have time now.

The laser thingy is cool. Just let it go out of energy after a short while.

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Post by lieni » Tue Nov 28, 2006 10:46 pm

I prefer the idea of the frag granade that splits up in smaller grenades.
Another possible weapon would be a supersheep-rocket, like in worms, or special UT version with rocket cam (if we make the controls only with keyboard, the mouse could be used to control such a rocket).
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Post by nicolasc » Wed Dec 06, 2006 9:44 pm

Sorry, that I didn't answer; I was expecting more replies... :oops:

I can work with that...
  • Tag rocket - Normally there are bigger ships with big weapons in our spacefights. These weapons need help to aim. The Tag rocket is used to tag an enemy so the huge weapon from the mothership can destroy them.
hmm... special weapon for a special occasion. I keep that in mind
Another possible weapon would be a supersheep-rocket, like in worms, or special UT version with rocket cam (if we make the controls only with keyboard, the mouse could be used to control such a rocket).
I've already shown you the model for the *Redeemer*... And just get me a nice smily to smirch up front
The laser thingy is cool. Just let it go out of energy after a short while.
Yeah... forgot to mention that. Should be a sort of autogun platform..

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Post by hofzge » Wed Dec 06, 2006 10:12 pm

How about a graviton grenade, which pulls enemies towards its explosion centre and spaghettisizes them?
I like weapons, which have a kind of effect on the enemy besides damage, as for example a Gauss gun which accelerates particles to supersonic speed via fast changing magnetic fields.
I'd also like to see some kind of "tradeoff" general purpose weapon. I had the idea of a beam weapon, which has a beam, that gets longer with time, but less and less powerful (the time you have to hold the buttons have to be very short, though).

If you have to fight the Noxons, you should never forget the insecticide... some kind of cloud-emitting, tissue damaging area weapon.
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Post by nicolasc » Thu Dec 07, 2006 10:16 am

If you have to fight the Noxons, you should never forget the insecticide... some kind of cloud-emitting, tissue damaging area weapon.
There you go... :wink:

JAM version B (as biological), with a two component warfare agent.... I just need to get it glow. Downside: 450 polygons, mostly quads


[edit: corrected image]
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Post by Edrundor » Thu Dec 07, 2006 10:32 am

If you fight against the Noxons, hows about an electric wapon, which destroys the organic cells. This could be something like a rocket or a big bullet which instead of explode create something like a lightning field which harms everything in a certain range.

I'm thinking about something which not only destroys the outside of a ship. If it's a super weapon it could also be possible, that it first creates an electro-magnetic wave which harms the control systems of the enemies. (weapon, shield and power systems) followed by the lightning which harm or even destroy the defenceless enemies.

Would also have a really nice optical effect, but it's maybe hard to implement.

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Post by patrick » Fri Dec 08, 2006 10:43 pm

Well... I'm an old fan of missiles in game! The more the better! :wink:

But you are looking for alternatives, so here are some of my thoughts:

plasma gun:

energy wave:
let's assume, that there is a medium in space for an energy wave (whatever this is :shock: ) to propagate. The waves starts at players coordinate and then moves away radialy (shaders... most certainly shaders...)
it should look like bending space...
...and forget about physics...

lightning bolt
energy beams looking like multiple lightning bolts:
You guessed it... shaders...
But I'm very sure, there are lots of pre-made shaders on the net out there...

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Post by Edrundor » Fri Dec 08, 2006 11:29 pm

That looks very nice. it's pretty much what I thought about. And as I said before it would be a great graphical feature in the game.

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