Upgrade/Redesign of the forum

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Baron Vladimir Harkonnen
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Upgrade/Redesign of the forum

Post by beni » Wed Jan 07, 2009 4:15 pm

Hey guys. I recently upgraded my own phpBB forum of the clan I formerly participated in, to version 3.

It is much cooler, has more features and of course is more secure. Of course there is nothing wrong with this forum here, but I'm an upgrade-freak.

However the upgrade does not support the current design! I couldn't find any version of the Solaris template for the new version, so we would have to change the design.

Here you can look at some official designs. I'd go with the AcidTech Tiger theme, as this is maybe the closest to the current design. Please post other designs which are better fitting, if you can find any.

Other possibility: We don't change anything. But then I would like to install this addon: http://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopic.php?t=263135
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Re: Upgrade/Redesign of the forum

Post by x3n » Wed Jan 07, 2009 6:12 pm

beni wrote:Of course there is nothing wrong with this forum here
No, that's not true. We still have a problem with umlauts, the "new posts" sign just vanishes sometimes even without reading the post and the "jump to newest post" button just jumps to the start of the site of the newest post. Maybe these are all "phpbb" features, who knows, but other forums (for example http://www.woltlab.com/) handle this much better.

beni wrote:However the upgrade does not support the current design! I couldn't find any version of the Solaris template for the new version, so we would have to change the design.
Ok, no problem. Solaris is nice, but nothing more.
beni wrote:Here you can look at some official designs. I'd go with the AcidTech Tiger theme, as this is maybe the closest to the current design. Please post other designs which are better fitting, if you can find any.
I like K_Kitty. It's not close to Solaris, but it really expresses my feelings for Orxonox. ;) No seriously, AcidTech Tiger looks good.
70% of the other templates are just ugly. Why do people without any taste create templates? What a waste of time looking at them.
Fabian 'x3n' Landau, Orxonox developer

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Baron Vladimir Harkonnen
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Re: Upgrade/Redesign of the forum

Post by beni » Wed Jan 07, 2009 11:30 pm

x3n wrote: No, that's not true. We still have a problem with umlauts, the "new posts" sign just vanishes sometimes even without reading the post and the "jump to newest post" button just jumps to the start of the site of the newest post. Maybe these are all "phpbb" features, who knows, but other forums (for example http://www.woltlab.com/) handle this much better.
The latter problem seems to be a feature really. I don't know how this is handled in the new version, since I did never experience any problems of that kind. The problems with the umlauts is due to database and forum text encoding problems. I have some sophisticated skills with text encoding so I will fix this soon.
x3n wrote:I like K_Kitty. It's not close to Solaris, but it really expresses my feelings for Orxonox. ;) No seriously, AcidTech Tiger looks good.
70% of the other templates are just ugly. Why do people without any taste create templates? What a waste of time looking at them.
You're right some of them look like first hour of photoshop or bucket tool from paint, it sucks a lot and I'm surprised, because phpbb3 is not that new anymore, so I would imagine that there are better designs by now. Maybe my younger brother likes do make a design. Or use the trac design for the forum. We could then change small things in the templates and would actually be able to integrate the forum better into the rest of the page. But these are just some ideas.
"I'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite forum on the internet."

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