New wiki structure

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New wiki structure

Post by BadElvis » Fri Sep 19, 2008 6:18 pm

Hi, what do you think of my proposition for the new content creation structure for the wiki:

Code: Select all

  + Coding
  + Content Creation
    + State
    + Story
      + Complete Story
    + Gallery
      + Screenshots and other 2d-stuff
      + Models
      + Levels
    + Tutorials
      + Blender
      + Gimp
      + XML and Lua
Adapt current wiki page by adding new information that really
reflects the current state of Content Creation. Probably keep the
introductory passages and simply add the text on the state of summer
2008 afterwards. This way, visitors should get an idea of how far
Content Creation really is.

Collect information from various older story and brainstorming pages and
condense the important. Create a page that gives a brief overview and
afterward (probably on a separate page) give a more extensive text
containg the details. The details are to be collected from the various
story and brainstorming pages. These contain but are not limited
to information on the universe as a whole, the various
powers/factions/corporations, technology. Student projects will either
be integrated in the story pages or they will be listed in the Gallery.
There will not be a ton of independent pages here, since this would
certainly seem inconsistent and chaotic.

The Gallery gives an overview of the content creation projects. Projects
will be listed in one big table or several not so big tables. Pictures
(Thumbnails) will be included, even if the page then becomes a little
bit lengthy. Categories might be Models, Screenshots (?), Levels.
Pre-Ogre projects will be listed separately, since they are not directly
relevant to the game at the moment. It will be a lot of work to check if
and how these older projects can be integrated into the new game.

This will serve as a starting point for stundent. The tutorials we have
collected over the time will all be listed here. External tutorials must
be checked to see if the link is still valid. Tutorials will be
separated by software (Blender, Gimp, XML and Lua, other (?)) and also
by author. This means, that the tutorials written by the Orxonox dev
team will be listed separately. This distinction is made so everyone can
see, where we can help and which tutorials are especially suited to get
used to Orxonox (ours). At the beginning of each software-section, a few
introductory sentences will be given on that program.

Blender section is already nice, but the tutorial on unwrapping and
texturing might have to be adapted, depening on whether the ISG.EE
updated to the newest version of Blender.

Gimp section is still pretty empty. Tutorials on Photoshop and other
software will be removed, new tutorials on Gimp added and probably

XML and Lua section doesn't even exist yet, but it will certainly become
important, once students make their own levels. A small tutorial on our
XML tags and elements should also be created. Lua later...

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Baron Vladimir Harkonnen
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Post by 1337 » Sat Sep 20, 2008 1:01 pm

great work! Since I'm more of the programming guy, I cannot really comment your suggestions.. But I sure agree on the XML, Lua part. This will became really important when creating content. Ironic, because it's actually about coding ;)
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Post by beni » Sun Sep 21, 2008 1:02 pm

I like it too. And even if the pages get lengthy I guess this is not too bad, because the more we structurize the more it gets complicated. But your suggestions seems to be great to implement.
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